Knit Headband
Do you remember the headband I wore in this post? Today I thought I’d post the directions for making it, as they’re quite easy and fun to make. Because of the amount of fabric needed, I often use up leftover pieces from other projects when making them. This style takes a piece of stretchy fabric that is 19-20” long by 7” wide.
I used a double needle to sew it, since that will give a good amount of stretch when it's finished.
Simply fold the fabric is half the long way, and stitch about 1/2” from the raw edges using a stretch stitch to make a long tube.
Turn the tube right side out and press so the seam is in the middle.
Then line the raw edges up right sides together (see the above picture)...
and wrap the outer edge around to the center...
and then do the same to the other side (should feel like two off-center "C"s intersecting).
Then sew together about a half inch from the raw edge ...
and then right side it out, and it’s done!