Christmas Gift Ideas

Now that it’s November, if you plan on making any gifts for the holidays, it’s probably time to get started, if you haven’t already! I try really hard not to save all my gift making and purchasing for the weeks before Christmas - it gets stressful and expensive. I picked up the habit from a friend and an aunt to buy things for people when you see something they’ll love, even if it’s months before a holiday (I keep a list on my phone of what I have gotten so I can keep track). And that goes doubly if I get an inspiration of what to make them! Here are a few ideas to make as gifts, or to give a sewer in your life. 

To make: 

1. Headbands - the one I am wearing above is quite simple to make.  All you need is a piece of knit fabric that is about 7"x 20", and then sew it into a tube the long way, and then fold it at the raw ends and sew down to make the connection cute. And there are tons of other versions on YouTube! 

2. Potholders/Hot pads. Who doesn’t need cute Christmas potholders?!  Here are some holiday themed potholders and pads I have made as gifts. Sometimes I do more winter themed, so they have a longer season of use. Or, of course, you don't have to make them holiday themed, just something the recipient will enjoy! 

3. Folded Star Ornament. These aren’t actually sewn, but they are SO much fun to make. I got into them a few years ago, and now I think everyone I know has at least one from me... Check out “The Ornament Girl” for ideas and patterns. 

To buy: 

1. A plant. At my sewing area set up in my front window, I have a couple African Violets on the table. They’re just babies, but they look so cheery, get plenty of light, and I actually remember to water them since they’re in a frequently visited spot… 

2. Inexpensive Retractable Tape Measure. Basically, a sewer can never have too many of these hanging around. And if they’re inexpensive, you don’t have to worry about them getting lost or ruined in your purse, pocket, after lending to a small child, etc.!  The fancy one a friend gave me for Christmas last year; the plainer one I grabbed for myself.

3. Gift Certificate to a Fabric Store. So often where I work, people come in looking to buy something for the sewer in their life, and the honest truth is, just go with a gift certificate.  No one wants to, because gift certificates can seem so impersonal, but it is incredibly difficult to pick out fabric, thread, notions, etc. for someone else (let alone get amounts right), and I promise the sewer in your life will love that you gave them free rein (and additional funds!) in picking out what they want. 

Hope this helps! 

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