Long Scarf & My Favorite Christmas Cookie Recipe
This plaid flannel is by Marcus Fabrics, and I love how it has tiny chevrons mixed in it! Long scarves seem to be in this season, but I just wanted a simple design to showcase this fabric. I purchased one yard of the flannel, and another yard of a heather grey flannel to pair it with. After sewing it together (mine is 13” wide and 72” long), I cut and pulled threads from each end to make the fringe, which I tied into knots to keep it from tangling. I'm pretty sure I spent more time pulling the threads than I did sewing it!
But what I really wanted to do in today’s post is share a recipe has been in my family for over thirty years, since Christmas is coming and this is my all-time favorite Christmas cookie! Not only do I remember making it with my mom as I was growing up, but I specifically remember her bringing two of them to me on a plate one Sunday as a surprise while I was coloring in my bedroom at about three years old. The original copy of the recipe is one she cut out of a magazine, and while I still have it, it doesn’t have any publication information on it (if anyone out there knows where it’s from, drop a comment below!). I now make it with honey instead of corn syrup, but otherwise the recipe hasn’t been changed. Hint: when you roll the balls, they will seem really small. It’s okey - the mint flavor is more balanced that way.
Chocolate Mint-Filled Cookies
Note: dough will need to chill for 1-2 hours
- 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2/3 cup butter, softened
- 1/4 cup raw honey
- 2tsp baking soda
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 48 chocolate covered thin mints
- 1/3 cup sugar