Holiday Pajamas


 I usually make knit pajamas because they are so comfortable, but I fell in love with this holiday themed flannel by Northcott (“Warm and Cozy” collection) and couldn’t resist it. I used Simplicity pattern #3041, which I’ve made before, but this is actually my first time ever having holiday pajamas! My mom was never into that when I was growing up (probably because she was too busy making us matching Christmas outfits for church to have time for it!), but if I was going to have them, I wanted seasonal wear, not just for a month, and this fabric should be perfect for all winter long. 

The top I am especially pleased with, because I came up with the pattern myself. I made it earlier this summer (see this blog post) and wanted to try it again. I’m quite pleased with it, since drafting patterns is not usually my forte. The fabric is a bamboo rayon spandex blend, and is really soft and comfortable. I did make sure to prewash it, as that combination has a tendency to shrink a lot. 

Now I just have to finish sewing the rest of my Christmas gifts by next week… wish me luck! 

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