Armistice Day Blouse
Did you know that Veterans Day was originally known as “Armistice Day?” The First World War ended on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, and was a big cause for celebration after more than four years of fighting. Now it is known as Veterans Day to honor everyone who has served our country over the decades.
This blouse pattern came from Folkwear Patterns #210, “Armistice Blouse,” and I made it out of a polyester/rayon blend, which isn’t very historically accurate, but it drapes beautifully and I wanted it to be warm enough to wear in the cooler fall weather. I added French Cuffs to it, and although they turned out longer than I expected, I decided to just leave them (I like how puffy they make the sleeves).
My grandpa served on the European front during the Second World War, and although he has been gone for almost a decade now, he helped foster my love of history by sharing with me his memories during his time of service and suggesting books to read on the topics. So, in honor of everyone who has served our country, thank you!