Five Favorites - Fall Edition

To change things up a bit, I thought I’d share a few new favorite things I’ve come across recently, from both sewing and life in general. 

First, my new sewing basket. I’ll admit, a sewing basket is not an essential part of my hobby, but it is handy to have one around sometimes, and my old one was getting pretty faded. So, when I saw this one, I decided to make a change, and here we are! 

Second, this maple sugar candy. I am not a huge candy person, but I love to get some maple sugar candy in the fall, so I was excited to find this cute set (and it’s even organic! Not that that makes it “healthy,” but at least it’s free from pesticides).   

Next, I really enjoyed reading this book. Every year, I try to read at least one book on leadership. I have found it really helps me keep a good attitude about work, along with learning about myself and how to interact with those around me. How to Lead when You’re Not in Charge had so many good points, thoughtful insights, and new ideas to ponder. I would highly recommend it!

Fourth, Wash and Gone. This is a Pellon product for embroidery that I have used many times over the years I’ve been sewing. I haven’t had to use it for a while, but I’ve had a number of projects lately where I had to use it again, and it is so handy. It looks like interfacing, but it dissolves in water when you’re done. You can see I drew my design on it, stitched it, and later, after cutting as much of it away as possible, the rest just disappears when it’s soaked. Most often I use it to stabilize a project, and then it’s gone once you no longer need it. It’s fantastic stuff! 

Last, this shirt. This rayon/polyester blend knit is SO soft (albeit a bit wrinkly!) and comfortable. It is grey on the outside and black on the inside, so I made the sleeves to roll up and show the contrast. It can be a rather basic shirt if I let down the buttons, but it’s fun to have the little details to add interest. 

Happy fall! 

(Please note - I am doing this just for fun. I do not profit in any way from sharing these.)


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